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už v našej súkromnej knižnici
Aarons, Leroy, Prayers for Bobby: A Mother's Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son
Bawer, Bruce, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society
Bennett Alexander, Margaret, We Were Baptized Too: Claiming God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays
Besen, Wayne R., Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-gay Myth
Brash, Alan A., Facing Our Differences: Churches and Their Gay and Lesbian Members
Bogle, Darlene, A Christian Lesbian Journey: A Continuation of Long Road to Love
Brondino, Giusepp& Marasca, Mauro, Citový život zasvätených, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Brock, Rita Nakashima, Journeys by Heart: Christology of Erotic Power
Buckley, Pat, A Sexual Life, A Spiritual Life: A Painful Journey to Inner Peace
Chellew-Hodge, Candace, Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians
Coulton, Nicholas, The Bible, the Church and Homosexuality
Culpepper, Alan R., Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality: Listening to Scripture
Drescher, Jack, Ex gay Research: Analyzing the Spitzer Study and Its Relation to Science Religion, Politics and Culture
Erzen, Tanya, Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-gay Movement
Fortunato, John, Embracing the Exile: Healing Journeys for Gay Christians
Glaser, Chris, Coming Out to God: Prayers for Lesbians and Gay Men, Their Families and Friends
Gibbs Eddie, Bolger Ryan, Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Communities in Postmodern Cultures
Groeschel, Benedict J., Povstať z temnôt: Čo robiť, keď život stratil zmysel, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Groeschel, Benedict J., Stagnácia alebo napredovanie: Duchovné odpovede na psychologické otázky, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Grün, Anselm, & Riedl, Gerhard, Mystika a erós (Mystik und Eros), Česká křesťanská akademie, 1996, Titul už nie je dostupný
Grün, Anselm, Spiritualita zdola: Překročit svůj vlastní stín, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Buď dobrý sám k sobě, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Moc nad bezmocí: Rozvíjet vědomí vlastní hodnoty, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Bydlet v domě lásky: Krátké meditace o lásce, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Obrazy proměnění: Cesta k proměně lidského nitra, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Ztroskotals? Máš šanci! Když se člověku hatí životní plány, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Proměň svůj strach: Cesta k nové chuti do života, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Modlitba jako setkání, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Grün, Anselm, Deprese jako šance, Portál
Grün, Anselm, Ľudská zrelosť zasvätených osôb, Vydavateľstvo Don Bosco
Hagger-Holt, Rachel&Sarah, Living it Out: A Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Christians and Their Friends, Families and Churches
Harvey, Andrew, The Essential Gay Mystics
Helminiak, Daniel, Co vlastně Bible říká o homosexualitě?, (What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality) CDK, 2007, Titul už nie je dostupný
Hernandez, Wil, Henri Nouwen: A Spirituality of Imperfection
Heskins, Jeffrey, Face to Face: Gay and Lesbian Clergy on Holiness and Life Together: Reflections of Gay and Lesbian Clergy on Holy Living and Committed Partnerships
John, Jeffrey, Permanent, Faithful, Stable: Christian Same-sex Partnerships
Jordan, Mark D., The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism
Ketcham, Kurtz, The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Journey to Wholeness
Kraft, William F., Ways of the Desert: Becoming Holy through Difficult Times
Larkin, Joan, Glad Day Daily Affirmations: Daily Meditations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People
Mattmann, Urs, Coming In: Gays and Lesbians Reclaiming the Spiritual Journey
Marks, Jeremy, Exchanging theTruth of God for a Lie: One Man's Spiritual Journey to Find the Truth About Homosexuality
McCall Tigert, Leanne, Coming Out While Staying in: Struggles and Celebrations of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals in the Church
Marin, Andrew, Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community
McLaren Brian D., A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/Contemplative,
McNeill, John J., Both Feet Firmly Planted in Midair: My Spiritual Journey
McNeill, John J., Freedom, Glorious Freedom: The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays, Lesbians, and Everybody Else
McNeill, John J., Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians and Their Lovers, Families and Friends
McNeill, John J., The Church and the Homosexual
Moore, Gareth, A Question of Truth : Christianity & Homosexuality
Mouw Richard J., Belcher Jim, Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional
Nouwen, Henri J.M., Cesta čekání, Cesta pokoje, Cesta moci, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Nouwen, Henri J.M., Návrat márnotratného syna, Dobrá kniha
Nouwen, Henri J.M., Ranený uzdravovateľ, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Nouwen, Henri J.M., Vnútorný hlas lásky, Redemptoristi - SMN
Nouwen, Henri J.M., Ako klaun v Ríme, Redemptoristi - SMN
Nugent, Robert, Building Bridges: Gay and Lesbian Reality and the Catholic Church
O'Donovan, Oliver, A Conversation Waiting to Begin: the Churches and the Gay Controversy
Pennington, Sylvia, Good News for Modern Gays
Piazza, Michael S., Holy Homosexuals : The Truth About Being Gay or Lesbian and Christian
Rogers, Jack, Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church
Rohr, Richard, Jób a tajomstvo utrpenia, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Rohr, Richard, Skryté věci: Písmo jako spiritualita, Cesta
Rohr, Richard, Všechno má své místo: Dar kontemplativní modlitby, Vyšehrad
Rohr, Richard, Proč být katolíkem, Cesta
Salzman, Todd A. & Lawler, Michael G., The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology
Schmidt, Thomas E., Straight and Narrow?: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
Schroeder, Michael, Sexual Conversion Therapy: Ethical, Clinical, and Research Perspectives
Scrogg, Robin, The New Testament and Homosexuality
Spong, John Shelby, Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture
Spong, John Shelby, Living in Sin
Spong, John Shelby, The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love
Stevenson, Thomas, Sons of the Church: Witnessing of Gay Catholic Men
Stephenson, Jerry, Out of the Closet and into the Light: Clearing Up the Myths and Giving Answers About Gays and Lesbians
Stuart, Elizabeth, Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions and Critical Difference
Stuart, Elizabeth, Just Good Friends: Towards a Lesbian and Gay Theology of Relationships
Sullivan, Andrew, Virtually Normal: An Argument About Homosexuality
Ščepková, Mária, Homosexualita, cesta sebatranscendencie? Krátka štúdia o kresťanskom prístupe k realite homosexuálnej orientácie, Vydavateľstvo Oto Németh, 2002, Titul už nie je dostupný
Tousey, Ben, My Egypt: Why I Left the Ex-gay Movement
Townsend, Mark, The Gospel of Falling Down: The Beauty of Failure, in an Age of Success
Vanier, Jean, Prijať svoju ľudskosť, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Vanier, Jean, Hľadanie pokoja, Vydavateľstvo Serafín
Vanier, Jean, Každý člověk je dílem spásy, Paulínky
Vasey, Michael, Strangers and Friends: New Exploration of Homosexuality and the Bible
White, Mel, Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America
Whitehead, James D., & Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton, Holy Eros: Pathways to a Passionate God
Wink, Walter, Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for Churches
Wills, Garry, Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit
Wills, Garry, Why I am a Catholic
Winell, Marlene, Leaving the Fold
Wolkomir, Michelle, Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-gay Christian Men
Yancey, Philip, Nekončící milost, Návrat domů
Yancey, Philip, Zklamán Bohem, Návrat domů
Yancey, Philip, Kde je Bůh, když to bolí?, Návrat domů
Yancey, Philip, Ježíš, jak jsem ho neznal, Návrat domů
ďaľšie zaujímavé pre Gay-Christian knižnicu
Adams Spahr, Jane; Poethig, Kathryn; Berry, Selisse; McLain, Melinda; Called Out: The Voices and Gifts of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans gendered Presbyterians
Alison, James, Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay
Alison, James, On Being Liked
Alison, James, Broken Hearts and New Creations: Intimations of a Great Reversal
Bawer, Bruce, Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity
Behrens, Samuel D., Anti-Gay Equals Anti-God: How the Evangelical Church Has Things Wrong
Berzon, Betty, Setting Them Straight, You can do something about bigotry and homophobia in your life
Berzon, Betty, Permanent Partners: Building Gay & Lesbian Relationships That Last
Berzon, Betty, The Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long-Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Bess, Howard H., Pastor, I Am Gay
Brentlinger, Rick, Gay Christian 101: Spiritual Self-Defense for Gay Christians - What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality
Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the 14th Century
Boswell, John, Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe
Britton, Mary, Surprised by Peace: 25 stories of homosexuals who refused to underestimate the love of God
Brooten, Bernadette J., Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism
Burrus, Virginia, Toward a Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline
Cannon, Justin R., Sanctified: An Anthology Of Poetry By Lgbt Christians
Chapman, Patrick M., "Thou Shalt Not Love" - What Evangelicals Really Say to Gays
Cleaver, Richard, Know My Name: A Gay Liberation Theology
Countryman, Louis William, Gifted by Otherness: Gay and Lesbian Christians in the Church
Comstock, Gary David, Gay Theology Without Apology
Coleman, Brent, Wounded in the Name of God: A Journey from Religious Wounding Toward Personal Discovery
Cunningham, James, GAY CHRISTIAN SURVIVORS: Refuting Anti-Gay Doctrines With The Word Of God
Davies, Dominic, Pink Therapy: A Guide for Counselors and Therapists Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients
De La Torre, Miguel A., Out of the Shadows, into the Light: Christianity and Homosexuality
Dwyer, John F., Those 7 References: A Study of 7 References to Homosexuality in the Bible
Edwards, George R., Gay/Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective
Evans, Amie & Healey, Trebor, Queer and Catholic
Fone, Byrne Homophobia: A History
Gagnon, Robert A. J. & Via, Dan O. Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views
Glaser, Chris, Coming Out As Sacrament
Glaser, Chris, Come Home! Reclaiming Spirituality and Community as Gay Men and Lesbians
Glaser, Chris, Reformation of the Heart: Seasonal Meditations by a Gay Christian
Glaser, Chris, The Word Is Out: Daily Reflections on the Bible for Lesbians and Gay Men
Glaser, Chris, Uncommon Calling. A Gay Christian's Struggle to Serve the Church
Glaser, Chris, Henri's Mantle: 100 Meditations on Henri Nouwen's Legacy
Gold, Mitchell; Drucker, Mindy; Crisis: 40 Stories Revealing the Personal, Social, and Religious Pain and Trauma of Growing Up Gay in America
Gomes, PeterJ., The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
Goss, Robert, Jesus Acted Up: A Gay And Lesbian Manifesto
Guest, Deryn; Goss, Robert E.; West, Mona; Bohache, Thomas; The Queer Bible Commentary
Haller, Tobias Stanislas, Reasonable and Holy: Engaging Same-sexuality
Hannon, Howard, Agony in the Garden: The Story of a Gay Minister
Hanway, D. G., Theology of Gay And Lesbian Inclusion: Love Letters to the Church
Hardin, Kimeron, Loving Ourselves: The Gay and Lesbian Guide to Self-Esteem
Hardin, Kimeron, Queer Blues: The Lesbian and Gay Guide to Overcoming Depression
Hedges, Chris, American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America
Hefling, Charles C. Our Selves, Our Souls and Bodies: Sexuality and the Household of God
Helminiak, Daniel, The Transcended Christian: Spiritual Lessons for the Twenty-first Century
Helminiak, Daniel, Sex and the Sacred: Gay Identity and Spiritual Growth
Herman, Didi, The Antigay Agenda: Orthodox Vision and the Christian Right
Hilton, Bruce, Can Homophobia Be Cured? Wrestling with Questions That Challenge the Church
Hoffman, Patricia L., AIDS and the Sleeping Church
Howard, Ken, Paradoxy: Creating Christian Community beyond Us and Them
de la Huerta, Christian, Coming Out Spiritually: The Next Step
Hunt, Stephen, Contemporary Christianity and LGBT Sexualities
ILGA, Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Mental Health
Johnson, Toby, Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us About the Nature of God and the Universe
Jung, Patricia B., & Smith, Ralph F., Heterosexism, An Ethical Challenge
Kader, Samuel, Openly Gay, Openly Christian: How the Bible Really Is Gay Friendly
Kamitsuka, Margaret D., The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity
Kitteredge, Cherry, & Sherwood, Zalmon, Equal Rites: Lesbian And Gay Worship, Ceremonies, And Celebrations
Linn, Jan G., What's Wrong With The Christian Right
Meyers, Robin R., Why the Christian Right Is Wrong: A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future
McColman, Carl, The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality
McCoy, Robin, Late Bloomers: Awakening to Lesbianism After Forty
McLennan, Scotty, Jesus Was a Liberal: Reclaiming Christianity for All
McClory, Robert, Power and the Papacy: The People and Politics Behind the Doctrine of Infallibility
McClory, Robert, As It Was in the Beginning: The Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church
McClory, Robert, Faithful Dissenters: Stories of Men and Women Who Loved and Changed the Church
McNeill, John J., Sex as God Intended
Miner, Jeff, The Children Are Free: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-Sex Relationships
Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, Sensuous Spirituality: Out From Fundamentalism
Mollenkott, Virginia & Letha Scanzoni, Is The Homosexual My Neighbor? Another Christian View
Müller,Wunibald, Zamilovanost, Portál
Müller,Wunibald, Zamlčené rány, Portál
Mülle ,Wunibald, Sám, ale ne osamělý, Portál
Müller,Wunibald, Co je duše ? Moje Tajemství – moje síla, Cesta
Müller,Wunibald, Nabrat dech v Boží blízkosti, Karmelitánské nakladatelství
Müller,Wunibald, Größer als alles aber ist die Liebe: Für einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf Homosexualität
Müller,Wunibald, Ich wünsch dir einen Seelenfreund: Über Beziehungen, die tragen
Müller,Wunibald, Küssen ist beten: Sexualität als Quelle der Spiritualität
Murray, Paul Edward, Life in Paradox: The Story of a Gay Catholic Priest
Neufeld, Henry, Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic
Olson, Roger E., How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative
Omoto, Allen M., Kurtzman, Howard S., Sexual Orientation and Mental Health - Examining Identity and Development in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People
O'Neill, C. & Ritter, K., Coming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay Men
ONeill, Dennis, Passionate Holiness: Marginalized Christian Devotions for Distinctive People [
Sheridan, Vanessa, On Being Christian and Cross gendered
Scroggs, Robin, The New Testament and Homosexuality: Contextual Background for Contemporary Debate
Pasquella Debra, A Prayer Away From Healing: From a Christian Lesbian's View
Patterson, Linda J., Hate Thy Neighbor: How the Bible is Misused to Condemn Homosexuality
Pepper, Michael Anne, Reconciling Journey: A Devotional Workbook for Lesbian and Gay Christians
Piazza, Michael S., Gay by God: How to be Lesbian or Gay and Christian
Piazza, Michael S., Mourning to Morning
Piazza, Michael S., Queeries: Questions Lesbians and Gays have for God
Piazza, Michael S., Rainbow Family Values
Pimental-Habib, Richard L., The Power of a Partner: Creating and Maintaining Healthy Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Pimental-Habib, Richard L., Empowering The Tribe: A Positive Guide to Gay and Lesbian Self-Esteem
Richo, David, How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving
Rix, Jallen, Ex-Gay No Way: Survival and Recovery from Religious Abuse
Rollins, Peter, How (Not) to Speak of God - Marks of the Emerging Church
Rohr, Richard, The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See
Rosendall, Richard J., A Most Unusual Catholic
Sample, Tex S., Earthy Mysticism: Spirituality for Unspiritual People
Sanchez, Alex, The God Box
Shallenberger, David, Reclaiming the Spirit: Gay Men and Lesbians Come to Terms with Their Religion
Shelton, David W., The Rainbow Kingdom: Christianity & the Homosexual Reconciled
Showalter Kreider, Roberta, Together In Love: Faith Stories of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Couples
Showalter Kreider, Roberta, THE COST OF TRUTH: Faith Stories of Mennonite and Brethren Leaders and Those Who Might Have Been
Storey, William G., A Book of Prayer: For Gay and Lesbian Christians
Stuart, Elizabeth, Daring To Speak Love's Name: A Gay and Lesbian Prayer Book
Sundby, Elaine T., Calling the Rainbow Nation Home: A Story of Acceptance and Affirmation
Thelos, Philo, God is not a Homophobe: An unbiased look at Homosexuality in the Bible
Thorson-Smith, Sylvia; Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna; Pott, Norm; Thompson, William Paul; Called Out With: Stories of Solidarity
Thomas, Oliver, 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You: (But Can't, Because He Needs the Job)
Unger, Dominic J., The Mystery of Love for the Single: A Guide for Those Who Follow the Single Vocation in the World
Venn-Brown, Anthony, A Life of Unlearning: a journey to find the truth
Wakefield, Dan, The Hijacking of Jesus: How the Religious Right Distorts Christianity and Promotes Prejudice and Hate
Wallner, Mary Lou, The Slow Miracle of Transformation
Weekly, R. D,. Homosexianity: Letting Truth Win The Devastating War Between Scripture, Faith & Sexual Orientation
Wilson, Nancy, Our Tribe: Queer Folks, God, Jesus, and the Bible
Williams, Robert, Just As I Am: A Practical Guide to Being Out, Proud and Christian
Wilde, Jerry, Jesus Was a Liberal: How the Conservative Agenda Is a Rejection of Christ's Teachings
Wink, Walter, Homosexuality and the Bible
White, Mel, Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right
White, Mel, What the Bible Says - And Doesn't Say - About Homosexuality
White, Mel, Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Equality
Wolf, James G., Gay Priests
už v našej súkromnej knižnici
One nation under God - the Religious Right and their Crusade to Cure Gay People in America, 1993, (2004 DVD)
Focusing on the contemporary religious Right Wing proliferation of curative therapies for homosexuality, this riveting documentary offers historical context as well as a political analysis of this frighteningly large movement. It shows a variety of inhumane treatments homosexuals have had to endure throughout the years in the 20th century to so called be "cured" of homosexuality. The would-be therapists might be horrified to discover that the likeliest result of such treatments (if they have any effect at all) is to accentuate any latent tendencies towards sado-masochism. The sincerity of these Christian and psychological groups is all the more chilling when it is compared with the activities and doctrines of the Nazis a few generations before. The documentary features interviews with those attempting to "cure" homosexuals, along with interviews with a number of the "formerly cured."
All God's Children - Unlearning Homophobia, 1996, (2004 DVD)
"Unlearning Homophobia" is three very powerful documentary shorts--:"Straight from the Heart", "All God's Children" and "De Colores". Each deals with an aspect of homophobia.
The Unlearning Homophobia series is a treasure of powerful personal stories told by LGBT people and their family members to help people understand what it means to be gay, bisexual, lesbian, and/or transgender. Each of these films are exceptional on their own addressing issues of sexual orientation with regard to religion, race, and ethnicity. Together they are an inspirational, unique resource that is a must for all teachers of human sexuality and any educator working to bring compassion and understanding to LGBT people.
Fish Can't Fly, 2005
Explores the lives of Gay men and women of faith as they recall their journeys to put their sexuality and spirituality in harmony. While the whole concept of changing ones' sexual orientation may be viewed with a high level of skepticism, ridicule and even humor by the larger GLBT community, these are the stories of those who have tried. It's focus actually is men and women who have gone through the "Ex-gay" conversion movement - an intensive process designed to turn homosexuals straight - only to become what one lesbian priest characterizes as "Dos Equis" - Ex-Ex-gay.
Abomination: Homosexuality and the Ex-Gay Movement, 2006
A documentary focusing on sexual orientation conversion therapies (sometimes called "reparative therapy"). Conversion therapies have been criticized by mainstream mental health professionals for the harm they cause and for their practitioners' overstated claims of success. Nevertheless, these "treatments" are increasingly being promoted to, and practiced by, conservative faith communities. Despite the pain chronicled in this groundbreaking film, Abomination is a poignant testament to human resilience and to the sometimes difficult journey to self-acceptance.
For The Bible Tells Me So, 2007
A documentary about homosexuality and its perceived conflict with religion, as well as various interpretations of what the Bible says about same-sex sexuality. An exploration of the intersection between religion and homosexuality in the U.S. and how the religious right has used its interpretation of the Bible to stigmatize the gay community. We meet five Christian families, each with a gay or lesbian child. Parents talk about their marriages and church-going, their children's childhood and coming out, their reactions, and changes over time. A thesis of the film is that much of Christianity's homophobia represents a misreading of scripture, a denial of science, and an embrace of quack psychology. The families call for love. - FILM ONLINE (in 10 parts)
„Môže láska dvoch ľudí byť ohavnosťou? Je priepasť oddeľujúca homosexuálov a kresťanov príliš široká na to, aby ju preklenul kríž? Je Biblia ospravedlnením pre nenávisť?"
In Good Conscience: Sister Jeannine Gramick's Journey of Faith, 2004
A most unlikely and very funny rebel - an American nun - finds herself at the center of a human rights storm with leaders of one of the world's most revered institutions, the Roman Catholic Church. This film chronicles the true story of Sister Jeannine Gramick, who is defying a Vatican edict that she shut down her compassionate ministry to gay and lesbian Catholics, and silence herself permanently on the subject of homosexuality. Her battle takes her all the way to Rome and to the door of her key adversary over the years: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who would become Pope Benedict XVI. ister Jeannine has worked within the church for more than thirty years on behalf of the LGBT community and its fight for acceptance, recognition, and equality. When issued this ultimatum from Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope John Paul II - denounce homosexuality or lose everything - quietly and with respect, she refused. "I choose not to collaborate in my own oppression by restricting a basic human right," she says. "To me this is a matter of conscience."
Prayers For Bobby, 2009
Based on the true story of the life and legacy of Bobby Griffith, a young gay man who killed himself due to his mother's and community's religious intolerance. Mary believes God can cure him of what she considers his 'sin' and persuades Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in church activities in hopes of changing him. Desperate for his mother's approval, Bobby does what is asked of him, but through it all, the church's apparent disapproval of homosexuality causes him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed. His subsequent depression and self-loathing intensifies as he blames himself for not being the 'perfect' son and is driven to suicide... Through her long and emotional journey, Mary slowly reaches out to the gay community and discovers unexpected support from a very unlikely source.,0
Krutý film o zaslepenosti vírou a o tom, jak některé věci nejde vzít zpátky, u něhož se pláče. Příběh Mary Griffith natočený podle skutečné události ukazuje silně nábožensky založenou americkou rodinu, která žije v dokonalosti do té doby, než se Bobby Griffith svěří svému staršímu bratrovi, že je gay. Matka (Sigourney Weaver) posedlá vším, co říká bible, Bobbymu život nijak neulehčí. Bobby je vyloučen z rodiny a odstěhuje se ke své sestřenici do Portlandu. Nezvládá neustálé obviňování od své matky a spáchá sebevraždu. Bobbyho matka si po pár měsících od jeho smrti začíná uvědomovat, že je víc rodin, které mají stejný problém, jako měla ona, a začne navštěvovat náboženské spolky konzultující tyto dramatické životní příběhy. Ač se jedná o televizní film se všemi jeho klasickými neduhy, herecké výkony byly na výborné úrovni, což bylo hlavně znát v emočně vypjatých momentech filmu. A nutno podotknout, že jich bylo nemálo. Zejména pak zazářila ústřední dvojice Sigourney Weaver, jež byla po zásluze za svůj výkon nominována na Zlatý Globus, a Ryan Kelley. No a výpovědní hodnota snímku, jehož téma je aktuální i dnes? K nezaplacení.
Through My Eyes, 2009
GCN, the Gay Christian Network, released the DVD Through My Eyes, a DVD in which 26 young GLBT Christians shared their private stories and their journeys in trying to reconcile their faith and sexual orientation, sharing their struggles, fears and the obstacles they encountered. Every Christian should see through their eyes.
Spoločenstvo, ktoré dnes spája už desiatky tisícov homosexuálnych kresťanov, "Gay Christian Network", vytvorilo dokumentárny film "Trough My Eyes" ("Mojimi očami"), v ktorom mladí neheterosexuálni kresťania hovoria o svojej skúsenosti, o tom, čo prežívali, keď svoju homosexuálnu orientáciu tajili, o tom, čo sa pre nich zmenilo, keď sa zdôverili spoločenstvu svojich cirkví, o nepochopení a neprijatí, ktoré zažívali aj vtedy, ak vôbec nežili sexuálne, o nevedomosti, necitlivosti a selektívnej podmienečnej láske svojich spolubratov a spolusestier, ako aj o tom, čo im skutočne pomohlo prežiť a "dýchať".
Dokument je určený na rozprúdenie diskusie k danej realite v cirkvách a kresťanských spoločenstvách. Pritom nemá ľavicové, liberálne, politické, ani protikresťanské, či iné ideologické pozadie, nestojí za ním "homolobby", nie je vytvorený propagandou "kresťanofóbov", nedotýka sa legislatívnej oblasti civilných zákonov, ani neutvára nátlak na nerealistické zmeny cirkevného učenia. Rozhodne však hovorí o zmene často necitlivých, bojovných, až agresívnych spôsobov, akými neraz aj tradiční konzervatívni kresťania svoje učenie a postoje podávajú. A hlavne približuje príbehy, otázky a ťažkosti ľudí, ktorým tisíce podobných žijú aj medzi nami, či si to priznať chceme alebo nie.
ďaľšie zaujímavé pre Gay-Christian knižnicu
Supper man, 2004, SR, 50'
Cena publika pre najlepší celovečerný hraný film na LGBT-film festivale Mezipatra 2005, ČR
Réžia/Scenár: Albert Vlk, Hudba: Oskar Rózsa, Kamera: Tomáš Sabo, Produkcia: Vicky Novosadová, FTF VŠMU, Účinkujú: Zdena Studenková, Emil Píš, Štefan Kožka, Karol Čálik, Henrieta Mičkovicová, Martin Mňahončák, Robo Roth....
"Som homosexuál," povie rodičom dospievajúci syn Roland v najnevhodnejšom čase, počas rodinnej oslavy. Rodičia sa rozhodnú syna „vyliečiť z homosexuality" v špeciálnom sanatóriu.
Film obsahuje parodické prvky, zdobí ho autentická atmosféra a vynikajúce herecké výkony. Bol nakrútený v čase, keď sa na Slovensku vážne diskutovalo o liečení a vyliečení homosexuality, pričom výroky v prospech liečenia homosexuality bolo možné počuť dokonca z úst odborného lekára. Homosexualita však nie je generačná vzbura ani vírus, ktorý sa šíri ako pásavka zemiaková z kapitalistického sveta...
Príbeh o spoločnosti, kde sú niektorí vplyvní jedinci presvedčení o tom, že dokážu liečiť niečo, čo nie je chorobou. Príbeh o spoločnosti, kde žijú ľudia ochotní im to uveriť. Je hrozné narodiť sa ako homosexuál a žiť v takej spoločnosti....
Subtitles: English
Parents decide to cure their son from homosexuality in a special sanatorium.
The film takes place in present-day Bratislava and focuses on the teenager Roland, just going through his coming out. Supper Man shows the narrow-mindedness and rigidness of his parents who are not able to accept their son's homosexuality. Roland is confused and lonely and when he finally finds somebody, he runs away. In the end, he is put into a sanatorium where, his parents hope, he can be "cured". Of course this will not happen and Roland returns home. Being still gay. (in 20.00-th min.),1243,0,0,1,0
Anjeli plačú, 2005, SR, 55'
Réžia/Scenár/Kamera: Zuza Piussi, Produkcia: Robert Kirchhoff,
Film rozkrýva v širšom priestore a čase niekoľko osudov homosexuálov. Emocionálne situácie z ich života sú zároveň výpoveďou o existencii človeka v konflikte so spoločenskými normami a sebou samým.
Slovensko je krajinou, ktorej súčasnosť a história stojí na tradíciách. Tieto tradície, tak silne zakorenené v pospolitom Slovákovi sa opierajú hlavne o princípy založené na kresťanskej morálke. Po páde železnej opony v roku 1989 padli okrem zákazov slobodného vierovyznania aj ďalšie konvencie obmedzujúce slobodu jednotlivca, jeho duchovný a intímny život.
Medzi menšinami, ktoré táto zmena zasiahla najintenzívnejšie sú aj homosexuáli. Začali byť viditeľnejší a niektorí vzťahy medzi sebou prestali skrývať. Predsa sa však v mnohom nič nezmenilo. Hoci vznikli homosexuálne bary a diskotéky, výrazne chýba oslobodenie vnútorné, ktoré by nebránilo prestať sa za svoju orientáciu hanbiť. Najväčším problémom však je vnímanie homosexuálov okolím. Dnešná ešte stále konštituujúca sa morálka a etika v slovenskej spoločnosti prijíma homosexuálov len váhavo. Táto bariéra v mysliach ľudí je, ako obyčajne založená na predsudkoch a zakorenenom odmietaní. (in 19.00-th min.)
Miluj blížneho svojho, 2010, SR,
Vladimíra Hradecká v dokumentárnom filme zachytáva reakcie ľudí, na prvý slovenský pochod za práva LGBT komunity, ktorý sa uskutočnil 22. mája 2010 v Bratislave.
V snímke sa zameriava na reakcie kresťanských združení (vrátane skupiny Gay-Christians in Slovakia, ktorá združuje homosexuálne orientovaných veriacich a ich blízkych), priestor dostal aj organizačný tím pochodu či Slovenská pospolitosť.
"Na Facebooku vznikla skupina 'Sme proti pochodu sodomitov v uliciach Bratislavy'. Pozreli sme sa tam a boli tam všelijaké zvláštne názory. Niektorých z tých ľudí sme skontaktovali, že robíme film o pochode a chceme tam mať názory zo všetkých strán," hovorí režisérka filmu.
Priest, 1994
While trying to serve his flock, Father Greg has his own personal demons to wrestle. Not only is he unable to keep his vow of celibacy, he breaks it with another man - something many of his less-tolerant parishioners would surely view as an "abomination" if they learned of it. Even as he struggles with his sexual identity and its implications, Father Greg is forced to endure an additional crisis of faith when a fourteen year old girl comes to him under the seal of confession and admits to being sexually molested by her father. Priest addresses both social and religious themes. There is, of course, no answer to most of the questions that Greg agonizes over, but these - such as how Christ could expect him to keep silent when that silence condemns a girl to continued suffering - are presented for the audience's consideration. It is by his reaction to the issues that Greg's true character is slowly revealed. It doesn't take long for us to realize that our first impression of the man is as false as his facade. Attempting to show the twistedness of faith, the priest must come to terms with why God is cruel, how can he love a man and how can he remain faithful to his God and church.
Myslím si, že autorom tohto filmu sa podarilo predstaviť verejnosti obraz spoločenstva veriacich ľudí s nevyslovenou kritikou, ale i s pochopením pre ich ľudské slabosti. Film nikoho neodsudzuje ani neprikrášľuje. Niet v ňom klasicky kladného ani záporného hrdinu. Na filmovom plátne sa pred našimi očami odohráva kus zo života mladého a horlivého kňaza, ktorý prichádza do svojej farnosti s úprimnou vôľou a snahou priviesť tých ľudí k Božím ideálom. Jeho spolupracovníkom sa stáva kňaz, ktorý nezvládol bremeno celibátu a v jeho službe mu pomáha jeho priateľka. Mladý (a pre priaznivcov mužskej krásy musím poznamenať, že i pekný) kňaz to odhalí a v prvej chvíli sa s tým nedokáže vyrovnať. Keď však istého večera bojuje so svojou samotou a opustenosťou, sadá na bicykel a i on hľadá niekoho, kto by bol v tých chvíľach s ním. Ibaže... je homosexuál. Je v tom nejaký rozdiel? Oficiálne možno už nie, ale musíme si priznať, že nielen v anglickej spoločnosti, ale i v našej, sa ešte stále inak pozerá na homosexuálov a inak na tých "normálnych". Od prvej chvíle tohto odhalenia divák sleduje dramatický zápas v duši kňaza.
Bent, 1997
The film version is adapted by the playwright, Martin Sherman, and closely follows his play's story of two gay concentration camp victims who are sent to Dachau and who fall in love, using their relationship as an emotional crutch in their efforts to rebuff the horror of the Holocaust. Max would rather wear a yellow star and proclaim himself a Jew than be lanced with the pink triangle that designates homosexuality. Horst chastises him for his homophobia. Later the tables turn on Max, who finds--through Horst--the strength both to keep alive indefinitely and to ultimately embrace his sexual identity. Horst reaches out to him, and shows him how to live and love freely even under the oppressive and constant threat of death.
Britský snímek vypráví o málo známé stránce historie nacismu - perzekuci homosexuálů v hitlerovském Německu. Bent (slangový výraz pro homosexuála) vypráví příběh židovského playboye Maxe, který žije se svým přítelem, tanečníkem Rudim, ale nevyhýbá se ani příležitostným známostem. Jeho osud dramaticky změní takzvaná noc dlouhých nožů, v nížv roce 1934 vyústily mocenské rozpory v nejvyšších patrech nacistického vedení. Jako jedna z oficiálních příčin krvavého zátahu na špičky jednotek SA byla uvedena v podstatě neskrývaná homosexualita velitele této polovojenské organizace Ernsta Röhma. Po střetu s gestapem utíká Max společně se svým přítelem do lesů. Avšak ani zde není v bezpečí. Brzy je chycen a po jízdě vlakem smrti ho čeká vězeňský mundur a vytetované číslo na ruce v koncentračním lágru Dachau. Jeho přítel Rudi transport a kruté bití nepřežije. Díky židovskému původu Max může na pruhovaných hadrech nosit "jen" Davidovu žlutou hvězdu. Naštěstí proto, že i zde byli Židé stále víc než růžovým trojuhelníkem ocejchovaní homosexuálové. Ty čekala automatická smrt. Nicméně i za ostnatými bylo možné poznat cit. A díky němu Max konečně pochopil, pro co stojí za to žít.
But I'm a Cheerleader, 1999
But I'm a Cheerleader is a satirical romantic comedy film directed by Jamie Babbit and written by Brian Wayne Peterson. Natasha Lyonne stars as Megan Bloomfield, an apparently happy heterosexual high school cheerleader. However, her friends and family are convinced that she is a homosexual and arrange an intervention, sending her to a residential inpatient reparative therapy camp True Directions to cure her lesbianism. At True Directions, Megan meets the founder, strict disciplinarian Mary Brown (Moriarty), Mary's son Rock, and a group of young people trying to "cure" themselves of their homosexuality. With the prompting of Mary and the other campers, Megan reluctantly agrees that she is a lesbian. This fact, at odds with her traditional, religious upbringing, distresses her and she puts every effort into becoming heterosexual...
Megan je Američanka každým coulem. Vede místní skupinu roztleskávaček, chodí s kapitánem fotbalového týmu... Ale zrovna dvakrát ráda se s ním nelíbá. Je si velmi blízká s ostatními roztleskávačkami a ve své skříňce má nalepené pouze plakáty dívek. Podle rodičů a přátel nemůže být Megan nic jiného než lesbička, a proto ji pošlou do nápravného tábora, kde dvojice odhodlaných vedoucích převychovává své svěřence na ryzí heterosexuály. Podaří se Magan obrátit na heterosexualitu, nebo podlehne svému citu ke krásné Graham?
Paragraph 175, 2000
Paragraph 175 is a documentary film released in 2000, directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, and narrated by Rupert Everett. The film chronicles the lives of several men who were arrested by the Nazis for homosexuality under Paragraph 175, the sodomy provision of the German penal code, dating back to 1871. Between 1933 and 1945, 100,000 men were arrested under Paragraph 175. Some were imprisoned, others were sent to concentration camps. Only about 4,000 survived. In 2000, fewer than ten of these men were known to be living. Five come forward in the documentary to tell their stories for the first time, considered to be among the last untold stories of the Third Reich.
Ve dvacátých létech 20. století byl Berlín znám jako ráj homosexuálů, ve kterém gayové i lesby vedli relativně otevřený život v prostředí živé umělecké a intelektuální subkultury. S nástupem nacistů se vše změnilo. Mezi léty 1933 a 1945 bylo podle §175 říšského zákoníku z roku 1871, týkajícího se "sodomie", uvězněno na 100.000 mužů. Někteří skončili v káznicích, jiní v koncentračních táborech. Přežily jich asi 4.000... Dnes se ví jen o deseti z nich. Pět z nich se odhodlalo v tomto filmu poprvé vyprávět svou historii.
Trembling Before G-D, 2001
Trembling Before G-d is a documentary film about gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews trying to reconcile their sexuality with their faith. It was directed by Sandi Simcha DuBowski, an American who wanted to compare orthodox attitudes to homosexuality with his own upbringing as a gay Conservative Jew. The film won several awards, including the Teddy Award for best documentary film at the 2001 Berlin Film Festival, as well as best documentary at the 2001 Chicago International Film Festival and the 2003 GLAAD Media Awards. The film follows the lives of several gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews and includes interviews with rabbis and psychotherapists about Orthodox attitudes towards homosexuality. During the film's six-year production, DuBowski met hundreds of homosexual Jews, but only a handful agreed to be filmed due to fear of being ostracized from their communities. - FILM ONLINE
Ako to vlastne je: „Môžem byť pobožnou lesbičkou alebo homosexuálom?" Na takého otázky sa snažia hľadať odpoveď muži i ženy, ktorí sú hlboko veriaci Židia, ale milujú ľudí svojho pohlavia. Trápia sa oni aj ich blízki. Cítia sa ako vyhnanci. Celý život bojujú s rozporom medzi zásadami židovskej viery a svojimi pocitmi. Konečne sa odvážili priznať si túto dilemu a hľadať na ňu odpoveď u rabínov, rodičov i spoločnosti.
Anatomy of the Hate Crime, 2001
Fact-based drama centering on the brutal 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, an openly homosexual college student in Wyoming, by two homophobic, trouble-making teens and their co-conspirator girlfriends which prompted an outcry of support for the Shepard family and tougher hate-crime laws, but also support for Matthew's killers by religious leaders and homophobic activists. Anatomy of a Hate Crime focuses on the months leading up to and following the 1998 murder of Wyoming college student Matthew Shepard. Max Ember's teleplay explores not only Shepard's struggle for self-acceptance, but also the petty criminality and downward mobility of his killers and their girlfriends. Anatomy of a Hate Crime tells another compelling version of events that shaped the ongoing national debate about gay rights. This well-made MTV production thoroughly captures the lives of the young people of Laramie and the promising student who lost his life due to intolerance and ignorance.
Překvapivě odvážné drama o vraždě Matthewa Sheparda v režii jednoho z nejvýraznějších režisérů americké nezávislé kinematografie vzniklo v produkci hudební stanice MTV. Jaká nenávist musela ovládat brutálního zabijáka, který byl jinak označován přáteli jako sympatický hoch? Živočišný a strhující příběh.
The Matthew Shepard Story, 2002
Killed in a senseless act of hatred, openly gay college student Matthew Shepard was murdered in 1998. In this critically-acclaimed, moving film, the final days of Matthew's killers' trial - and the weeks leading to Matthew's death - are recounted with unnerving detail. Stockard Channing delivers an unforgettable, Emmy® Award winning performance as Matthew's grieving mother, Judy, in a story of a murder that moved a nation to action. Also starring Law & Order's Sam Waterston. - FILM ONLINE (in 9 parts) - FILM ONLINE (in 2 parts)
12. října 1998 zemřel v nemocnici na následky vážných zranění student univerzity ve Wyomingu Matthew Shepard. Několik dní předtím byl krutým a nelidským způsobem mučen a zbit. Případ byl překvalifikován na vraždu, z které byli obviněni Russell Arthur Henderson a Aaron James Mckinney. Film je snahou o rekonstrukci událostí, které vedly k tragickému konci jednoho mladého života.
The Laramie Project, 2002
The Laramie Project is a 2002 drama film written and directed by Moisés Kaufman. Based on The Laramie Project, a play by Kaufman, the film tells the story of the aftermath of the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming. It premiered at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival and was first broadcast on HBO in March 2002.
V univerzitním městě Laramie ve Wyomingu se 6. října 1998 stalo něco, co je navždy poznamenalo. Té noci byl surově zbit a brutálně zavražděn homosexuální student Matthew Shepard a Laramie se stalo symbolem násilí. Skupina mladých herců a autorů z newyorské divadelní společnosti Tectonic Theatre Project vedená režisérem Nestorem Carbonellem odjíždí do Laramie, aby o Shepardově smrti napsala multimediální hru a zjistila, jak tato neblahá událost ovlivnila město i jeho obyvatele. Umělci kladou nepříjemné otázky všem - mladým i starým, gayům, mužům i ženám, Matthewovým kamarádům i těm, kteří ho vůbec neznali, a také zpovídají přátele a blízké Aarona McKinneye a Russella Hendersona, kteří byli z násilného činu obviněni. "Tento příběh nevypovídá o jednom případu vraždy, ale o městě, kde k ní došlo," říká Kaufman. "Proč se to stalo právě tady? Co tomu lidé říkají? Jak se cítí a co si myslí?"
Fixing Frank, 2002
Reporter, Frank Johnston is sent undercover to write an expose on Dr. Arthur Apsey, a doctor who claims he can successfully turn gay men into straight men. The script abounds with a type of intellectual grandiosity, which is very rare in movies today. The film begins as freelance journalist Frank Johnston is visiting psychologist Dr. Arthur Apsey. Apsey claims that he can "cure" gay men of their same-sex desires and make them straight. Frank's psychotherapist partner Dr. Jonathan Baldwin has seen the results of Apsey's work - he's worked with some of Apsey's patients - and is outraged at the damage that Apsey is doing. Apsey performs conversion therapy on gay male clients, a practice which Jonathan finds reprehensible. Jonathan has asked Frank to go undercover to write and article about him and hopefully expose Apsey as the dangerous fraud that he is. The two lovers, however, have vastly underestimated Apsey's intellectual brilliance, and his penchant for twisting words and point of view to suit his own perverted agenda. He begins to attack Frank emotionally, gradually wearing him down, until the man begins to truly doubt himself.
Latter Days, 2003
Latter Days is an American romantic drama about a gay relationship between a closeted Mormon missionary and his openly gay neighbor. The film was written and directed by C. Jay Cox. It stars Steve Sandvoss as the missionary, Aaron, and Wes Ramsey as the neighbor, Christian. Joseph Gordon-Levitt appears as Elder Ryder, and Rebekah Johnson as Julie Taylor. Mary Kay Place, Amber Benson and Jacqueline Bisset have supporting roles. - FILM ONLINE (in 12 parts)
Nádherná romantická komedie o lásce dvou homosexuálů rozličných náboženství i rozdílným pohledem na svět. Krásném, ale povrchním Chrisovi a členovi mormonské církve Aaronovi. Vše začne obyčejnou sázkou, kterých již Chris uzavřel nespočet, ale Aaron je první muž, kvůli kterému se mu zdá, že by chtěl být něco víc.
Laramie Inside Out, 2004
Laramie Inside Out is a documentary that explores the repercussions of Matthew Shepard's murder on the town of Laramie, Wyoming in the year following his death. Filmmaker Beverly Seckinger, who grew up in Laramie, was compelled to return to her hometown to see how this event had altered the site of her own closeted adolescence. Along the way she meets "God-hates-fags" Westboro Baptist Church Reverend Fred Phelps, who condemns Shepard and all homosexuals to a merciless eternity in hell. But Seckinger meets many more-students, teachers, parents, and clergy-wrestling with painful complexities, speaking out and taking action.
Hate Crime, 2005
Nice guy accountant Robbie lives an idyllic life with his partner Trey in a quiet suburban neighbourhood. But when a venomous neighbour moves in and starts harassing them, hate sparks violence. Recipient of the Best Feature Award at the Outtakes Dallas and Sedona International film festivals, Hate Crime features a brilliant cast including Seth Peterson (Providence) as Robbie, Lin Shaye (Snakes On A Plane, There's Something About Mary) and Golden Globe winners Susan Blakely (The Towering Inferno, Rich Man, Poor Man) and Bruce Davison (Longtime Companion). A provocative thriller, Hate Crime delves deep into intolerance, challenging audiences to question their own prejudices as they witness the heartbreaking consequences of hate and a family's painful quest for retribution.
Robbie a Trey poklidně žijí v tiché části města až do doby, kdy znenadání nastane konflikt s nenávistným sousedem Chrisem. Trey se po brutálním útoku ocitne na nemocničním lůžku, kde bojuje o život. Chris je podezřelý, ale má dobré alibi. Robbie se stane hlavním podezřelým a proto se zoufale snaží uskutečnit nebezpečný plán, který odkryje šokující tajemství a otočí mnoha lidem život naruby. Film Zločin z nenávisti, je příběhem o ničivých důsledcích netolerance a síle lásky.
A Love To Hide/Un amour a taire, 2005
This is one of the few films dealing with gay persecution during the Nazi era. It works unflinchingly to ground the material in both a French and German Nazi context. Its brutal but honest portrayal tests the viewer's tolerance for the horrific. Yet this film manages to be subtle, nuanced and rich not only through its script, but also in its period depiction, and lastly, in its dramatic execution. Obviously a work of love, this film conveys much of what is worst and best of humanity set in 1942 during the upheaval of Nazi-occupied Paris. Rarely has a film combined suspense, pathos, intelligence, sadness and humor in such a tight and heart wrenching narrative
Paríž, jar 1942. Sarah, Jean a Philippe sú priatelia vo veku medzi 20 a 30 rokov. Sharah je Židovka, oni homosexuáli. Počas okupácie Francúzka, keď sa porušujú skoro všetky morálne zásady a len nedôvera a strach určujú správanie ľudí, sú všetci traja naplnení jednou a tou istou túžbou: prežiť. Sarah v sebe živí beznádejnú lásku k mladému odbojárovi Jeanovi, zamilovanému do Philippa. Po vyvraždení jej rodiny na úteku cez hranice, spôsobenom zradou falošného prievozníka, Sarah nájde útočisko u Jeana, ktorý pracuje v čistiarni svojich rodičov. Jean poskytne svojej dávnej priateľke a láske z detstva pomoc. U Philippa si spoločne vytvoria bezstarostný ostrovček, ako keby chceli odplávať preč od strastí tohto sveta a prežiť iný život, ako im vnucuje vojna, ktorú nikto z nich nechcel zažiť. Jedného dňa Gestapo zatkne Jeana pre podozrenie z pomeru s dôstojníkom Wermachtu. Nacisti ho deportujú do koncentračného tábora, čím sa začína jeho zostup do pekiel v znamení ružového trojuholníka.
God and Gays Bridging the Gap, 2006
Whether coming to terms with a loved one's homosexuality, or attempting to reconcile your own faith, everyone involved in this movie has experienced these very same obstacles and pain. AND, even more important to YOU, they also have experienced the solutions and tools that it takes to get through this kind of struggle - and to feel ALIVE again. This documentary from director Luane Beck chronicles the difficult lives of those who identify themselves as both Christian and gay. Though many denominations consider homosexuality a sin, these people demonstrate that it's possible to be living a life of faith even though they might be going against the mainstream church. Featuring interviews with many prominent gay Christians, God and Gays Bridging the Gap is a thought-provoking film that addresses a timely issue. A documentary to break the silence and open dialogue on a major taboo subject. God & Gays puts the face and heartbeat of humanity onto the emotionally-charged issue and answers: what is the "gay agenda"? Is being gay a choice? What does the Bible say? Is it possible to be gay AND religious or must we choose?
Camp Out, 2006
10 campers attend the first summer camp for gay Christian youth. These Midwestern teenagers enjoy a week in an accepting environment where they can begin to reconcile their sexuality with their faith among supportive councillors and others facing the same issues. For these six boys and four girls, it's just as hard to come out as Christian as it is to come out as gay. They're caught in the battle between religion, politics and sexuality that's raging in the United States today. These kids are outsiders - their straight classmates ostracize them and their churches reject them. But like all teens, they yearn to feel at home, somewhere. Struggling to find a way to be true to both their spirituality and their sexual identity, these teens come to camp hoping to finally find a place of acceptance.
The Trouble With Gay Men, 2006
"When a friend heard that I had just made a documentary called The Trouble With Gay Men, his only response was: "What, just one hour?" His cynicism may well be justified. In just one hour I get to burn every bridge in the gay world I've got. I'll become the whipping boy of the more extreme political factions of the gay world, and also of the hedonists who drink and drug and whore their way up the gay pleasure food chain in search of the ultimate high. Because both groups still think it is enough to be gay in order to be good. I no longer do. And in this programme I set out to expose the fact that we gay men are living the lives of teenagers, still obsessed with sex, bodies, drugs, youth, and being "gay". I deliberately say "we" and "I" throughout: talking about cruising, saunas, too much time spent on the web on gaydar - I own up to the lot, just like my gay friends do. This is not some sanctimonious moraliser looking into the goldfish bowl; it's a gay man in his 40s looking at the big open world and wondering when we are going to grab the chance to be grown-up in a society that now regards us, legislatively at least, as equals."
"Tažkosti s gaymi - The Trouble With Gay Men", dokument, ktorý vytvoril britský gay aktivista, novinár, satirik a humorista, jeden zo zakladajúcich členov britskej gay-organizácie "Stonewall", Simon Fanshawe, narazil na nepochopenie aj v častiach samotnej gay-komunite. Z YouTube film stiahli, údajne pre copyright, ale je dosť možné, že aj na tlak gaykritikov gaykritika... Lebo, hoci nie kresťan, ani nijako nie nábožensky motivovaný, Fanshawe dokumentom zotázňuje mnohé postoje, názory, zvyklosti súčasných generácií gay-komunity, ktorá v Británii už nemusí viesť zápas o uznanie a rovnoprávnosť, ani kultúrne a spoločenské zviditeľnenie a prijatie. Humorne, satiricky aj ironicky sa dotýka takých skutočností ako je napr. promiskuita, ľahkosť nájsť partnera na jednorazový sex a ťažkosť nájsť trvalý vzťah...; stereotypickosť v seba prezentovaní, resp. až detinské napodobovanie detinských idolov showbiznisu...; sex zredukovaný na biznis a "rekreáciu"..., povrchnosť, bezduchosť, nezrelosť, narcizmus a egoizmus...; atď. Fanshawe dokument tak trochu zhrnul v otázke: "Society now accepts gay men as equals. So why on earth do so many continue to behave like teenagers...? - Spoločnosť dnes akceptuje gayov ako rovnocenných. Prečo sa teda mnohí z nich naďalej správajú ako nedospelí...?"
Save Me, 2007
Exploration of the controversial Ex-gay movement. If you have ever had to endure condemnation from the conservative Christian community or rejection from friends and family who think you just need to "try harder," I strongly recommend you see this film.
Upon release from the hospital, Mark is left in the charge of Gayle and Ted, the husband-wife team who run "Genesis House", a farm and boarding house that specializes in "curing" men of the "brokenness of homosexuality" through Christian ministry. Two men ironically find love and God when they enter a small New Mexico Ministry designed to "free them of their homosexuality"...
Mark je drogově závislý mladý gay, který vede nezřízený život, užívá si nevázaného sexu, přičemž vše vyvrcholí předávkováním. Lékařům se ho podaří zachránit a Markova spořádaná a věřící rodina přijde s řešením jeho situace. Markovi je zajištěn pobyt v církevním nápravném středisku vedeném Gayle, která věří, že je schopná pomoci vyléčit mladé muže z homosexuality skrze správné duchovní vedení a navést je tak na správnou životní cestu v duchu křesťanských hodnot. Zezačátku Mark vzdoruje snahám Gayle a jejího milujícího manžela Teda o nápravu, ale brzy nalezne útěchu ve spřátelení se s ostatními mladíky a muži zařazenými do nápravného programu. Nejvíce se sblíží se Scottem, který se zde také snaží vypořádat se svými rodinnými a osobními problémy způsobenými svou homosexuální orientací. Vztah Marka a Scotta přeroste hranice běžného přátelství a oba jsou nuceni vypořádat se s nastalou situací...
Rock Haven, 2007
In the film "Rock Haven," religion, sexuality and romance collide as a deeply spiritual young man experiences his first love. Brady is a young, spiritual man who moves to the coastal seaside town of Rock Haven with his overprotective mother Marty), who is setting up a Christian school nearby. When Brady meets worldly, seductive Clifford, there's an instant mutual attraction, even though homosexuality conflicts with Brady's devoutly Christian beliefs. "Rock Haven" is a sensual story about a young man who discovers the joy of first love - and the transformative power of faith.
A Jihad for Love, 2007
A Jihad for Love is the world's first documentary film on the coexistence of Islam and homosexuality. The film is directed by Parvez Sharma, and produced by Sharma and Trembling Before G-d director Sandi DuBowski. The film has also been known under the working title In the Name of Allah. In a time when Islam is under tremendous attack from within and without, "A Jihad for Love" is a daring documentary filmed in twelve countries and nine languages. Muslim gay filmmaker Parvez Sharma has gone where the silence is loudest, filming with great risk in nations where government permission to make this film was not an option.
Proč musí mít nebe pro každého stejnou barvu?" ptá se mladý muslim z Íránu, usilující o exil v Kanadě. Důvod, proč byl nucen prchnout z vlasti, je jediný. Jako gayovi mu totiž podle zákona hrozil přísný trest. Stejně jako řada dalších gayů a leseb z Jižní Afriky, Pákistánu, severní Indie či Egypta vyznávajících islám však nepřestává být pevný ve víře. Může být gay nebo lesba v očích ostatních věřících stále dobrým muslimem? Režisér Parvez Šarma na přání vystupujících zastřel ve filmu polovinu tváří. Přístup společnosti k homosexuální orientaci je všude v muslimském světě stejně odmítavý, jen tresty se liší - od bičování přes věznění až po rozsudek smrti. Gayové a lesby z muslimského světa vnímají svou lásku k lidem stejného pohlaví různě - ve vztahu k islámu pociťují vinu, ale zároveň se svých citů nechtějí vzdát. Diskutují o tom, jestli není korán interpretován příliš jednostranně, protože se v něm objevují homoerotické prvky. Dočkají se v muslimském světě změn, aby za svou lásku nemuseli tak draze platit?
Chasing the Devil: Inside the Ex-Gay Movement, 2008
A feature documentary film presenting an unflinching look at the personal journeys of four people who claim to have changed their sexual orientation from gay to straight. Their stories mark the first time documentary filmmakers have been allowed inside the "ex-gay" movement and provide an empathetic and, at times, devastating portrait of those who claim homosexuality is an illness that can be healed. Form the face of the Ex-Gay Movement, charismatic reparative therapist Richard Cohen, to John Sterback, inspired to embrace his own reorientation, to the Ex-Gay ministries where Joanne Highley preaches to Peterson Toscano that demons are the cause of homosexuality, and exorcisms are the preferred form of treatment. With unprecedented access, award-winning filmmakers provide an empathetic and at times devastating portrait of those who claim homosexuality is a sin that can be healed. Chasing the Devil reveals the extreme lengths that some people will go to deny the truth to enable them to fit into a culture that shuns them. - FILM ONLINE
Fish Out of Water, 2009
If you look to the Bible in the formation of your opinions about homosexuality, this light-hearted and enlightening documentary should pique your interest. Fish out of Water tackles the seven Bible verses used to condemn homosexuality and justify marriage discrimination. This feature documentary uses humour and original animation to make a traditionally complex and controversial topic accessible to those who don't like talking about religion and sexuality.
Filmmaker Ky Dickens examines the stories of Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gomorrah, and other well-known Biblical passages anew and subjects them to fresh scrutiny. The filmmakers chose an extremely credible, well-published and esteemed group of theologians and scholars to help put all the Bible verses in context. The film also includes interviews with theologians and members of the lesbian and gay communities.
For anyone involved in politics, For anyone involved with the youth, For anyone who knows a gay person, for anyone who knows a religious person, for anyone who has struggled with their stance on homosexuality or on faith - this is a MUST SEE movie.
For Such a Time as This, 2010
Central to evangelical efforts to reach out to the Gay community are Ex-gay ministries that encourage people to pray and help them not be gay. For Such A Time As This explores the issue by interviewing key players from both sides of the growing divide.
Is reconciliation between Evangelical Christians and the Gay community possible? Can common ground be found in the intense culture wars that have consumed our nation? Our documentary film entitled, "For Such A Time As This," seeks to answer these burning questions.
This is What Love in Action Looks Like, 2010-2011
Then 16-year-old Zach Stark gained the attention worldwide after his parents forced him to attend the controversial Ex-gay program Love in Action. In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Zach Stark, Memphis, TN, wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that claimed to offer "Freedom from homosexuality". What followed is a modern day message in a bottle, as teens in the local community stood up for their friend with daily protests which eventually grew to include a huge plethora of individuals demonstrating at the facility in what would become an international news story. The documentary features several former clients of the organization who tell their personal stories about the time they spent within the programs walls, including exclusive never before seen interviews with several teenagers who were forced into the "Refuge" program.
Taking a Chance On God: The John McNeill Story ("Uncommon Jesuit"), 2010-2011
For over 38 years, I have ministered as priest and psychotherapist to lesbians and gays. I helped found Dignity/New York to provide a safe and loving community within the Catholic Church for gay people. For over 33 years, I have given retreats for lesbians and gays. I have written four books on gay spirituality, I also published an autobiography on my own spiritual journey as a gay priest. As a result of my experience, I have come to the conclusion that what is at stake at this point in time is not only the spiritual and psychological health of many gay and lesbian Catholics and other lesbian and gay Christians, as well as their families and loved ones, what is especially at stake is your moral authority to teach on the issue of homosexuality...
Brendan Fay, a producer of the documentary Saint of 9/11, has been working for four years now on a documentary on my life and ministry. During the four years it was being produced, we gave it the tentative title "Uncommon Jesuit." Most critics thought that title was too narrow and failed to catch the essence of the documentary. I titled the second book I wrote on GLBT spirituality "Taking A Chance On God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians, and Their Lovers, Families, and Friends." Everyone involved in producing the documentary are convinced that the title "Taking a Chance On God" was the perfect title for my documentary.
Despite almost 50 years given over to a ministry to bring a message of God's love to LBGT people and challenging the falsehoods in Church teaching on homosexuality, my message has scarcely scratched the surface... Precisely at this moment there is a desperate need to produce a powerful witness to the profound goodness and even sacredness of gay relations as part of God's creation. Young GLBT people all over the world need to hear a consoling message that liberates them from false shame and guilt over who they are, a message that clearly proclaims the message of God's love for them! I hope my documentary can prove to be a giant step in that direction.
Alfredo's Fire, Film in production 2000 - ?
Open Eye Pictures production company, USA, "Our goal is to open eyes and communicate ideas in the most effective ways."
On January 13, 1998 Alfredo Ormando, a 39-year old Italian writer, arrived in Rome just as the sun was rising. After his long journey from Sicily, he found his way to the empty piazza of the Vatican and, facing the entrance to the Basilica, knelt down as if to pray. He made a rapid hand gesture and suddenly was engulfed in flames. Before the Church and, he hoped, the world, Alfredo Ormando had set himself on fire: "I hope they'll understand the message I want to leave: it is a form of protest against the Church that demonizes homosexuality, and at the same time all of nature, because homosexuality is a child of Mother Nature."
In 2000, the year of the Jubilee, Pope John-Paul II exhorted his followers in the same spot where Alfredo Ormando had set himself on fire two years prior, telling them that homosexuality was "unnatural" and that the Church had a "duty to distinguish between good and evil." In 2005, the new Pope Benedict committed himself to even harsher anti-gay teachings, initiating what some see as a gay witchhunt within the Catholic clergy, fighting same-sex partnership legislation worldover, and sending the message that homosexuals have no place in God's kingdom.
A one-hour documentary, ALFREDO'S FIRE brings to life the man behind the flames and the issues his fire illuminates. The film exposes tensions between faith and homosexuality; conformity and individuality; and shows the deadly consequences of religious intolerance.
13. január 1998, Námestie sv. Petra, Rím. Osamelý pútnik pokľakol pred bazilikou a ... Vzplanul ohňom ako obrovská pochodeň. Polial sa benzínom a zapálil. V neďalekej nemocnici si pretrpel svoj posledný deviatnik, svoj posledný nemý krik k Bohu. Vo Vatikáne pred 10 rokmi od 13. do 23. januára 1998 pomaly umieral 39 ročný homosexuálne orientovaný Alfredo Ormando. Zanechal po sebe niekoľko listov, básne, rozpracované knihy. Zo všetkých je jasné, aký vnútorný konflikt ho viedol k ukončeniu života (bez)mocným výkrikom v srdci Katolíckej Cirkvi. Prečo nenašiel domov v Cirkvi, v spoločenstve kresťanov? Prečo tá osamelosť, neprijatie a nepochopenie? Prečo tá bolesť, ten celoživotný konflikt, ktorý tisíce iných uzatvára v celoživotnej samote a beznádeji a vedie aj k psychiatrii a k samovraždám? A dokedy ešte...?
Celovečerný dokumentárny film ALFREDO'S FIRE - "Alfrédov oheň" približuje človeka za týmito otázkami a za plameňom, k akému viedli... Film odhaľuje napätie medzi vierou a homosexualitou, ako aj smrteľné dôsledky náboženskej tvrdosti a neprijatia.
Žiaľ, hlavne z finančných dôvodov, je film už dlhšie v stave pred definitívnym ukončením. 10 min. ukážku z filmu môžete vidieť v článku na našej webstránke, viď adresu nižšie, alebo na webstránke tvrocov filmu, viď adresu vyššie.
Radi pridáme do zoznamu ďaľšie zdroje, ak nás na ne upozorníte - aj v nemčine, francúzštine, taliančine, atď. - na našej adrese